Swan River, MB R0L 1Z0
Dogs and cats are hosts of several internal parasites frequently referred to as worms. The most common are the roundworms, hookworms, whipworms and tapeworms. Of these four only two are commonly seen in the stool with the unaided eye: roundworms and tapeworms. Puppies and kittens are commonly infected with round worms. These parasites are passed from mother to offspring while in uterus and also through nursing. Most worm infestations cause symptoms such as diarrhea, weight loss or poor growth, dry hair; general poor appearance, and vomiting. However, some infestations cause few or no symptoms. Parasite infestation is diagnosed through complete physical examination and examination of feces under a microscope. Parasite eggs can be seen in the sample, and appropriate treatment prescribed.
DO WORMS AFFECT HUMANS? CAUTION! Intestinal parasites of dogs and cats infect humans too. Children are at most serious risk especially if play behavior is in an environment where dog, cat, or raccoon feces may be present... such as in a sandbox. Please take the worming advice of your veterinarian seriously and adhere to strict sanitation principles whenever pets and children are in close contact. For more information about parasites of human and animals look at the Centers for Disease Control website at www.cdc.gov.
CAT AND DOG DEWORMING SCHEDULE *If less than 12 weeks at initial visit: 6-8 weeks- 2 doses dewormer given 2 weeks apart 12 weeks: 1 dose dewormer 16 weeks: 1 dose dewormer *If 12 weeks or older at initial visit: 1st visit: 2 doses dewormer to be given 2 weeks apart 2nd visit (3-4 weeks after 1st visit): 1 dose dewormer **Puppies and kittens should be dewormed every 2 weeks from 2-12 weeks of age in intensive exposure situations. **All pets should be dewormed at least twice a year. More frequent deworming is recommended in many cases (contact with young children, immunosuppressed individuals). **Animals who travel to or live in heartworm endemic areas (Winnipeg, Brandon, Kenora, Ontario) should take a monthly heartworm preventative once 6 weeks or older. (See heartworm page for more information)